Certain verbs form their passe compose with etre instead of avoir. The past participle of these verbs must agree with the number and gender. 

je suis parti
tu es parti
il est parti
on est parti(s)
nous sommes partis
vous etes parti(s)ils sont partis

je suis partie
tu es partie
elle est partie
on est partie (s)
nous sommes parties
vous etes partie(s)
elles sont parties
You use passe compose to explain an action that began and was finnished in the past. You use the present tense of the verb avoir and the past participle.

-ER verbs
Verb   parler (to talk)
Remove   er
Add   é
Past participle   parlé (talked)
il, elle, on
ils, ellesai joué 
as joué 
a joué 
avons joué 
avez joué 
ont joué

-IR verbs
Verb   choisir (to succeed)
Remove   ir
Add   i
Past participle   réussi (succeeded)
il, elle, on
ils, ellesai choisi 
as choisi 
a choisi 
avons choisi 
avez choisi 
ont choisi

-RE verbs

Verb   vendre (to sell)
Remove   re
Add   u
Past participle   vendu (sold)

il, elle, on
ils, ellesai perdu 
as perdu 
a perdu 
avons perdu 
avez perdu 
ont perdu

L' Imparfait
1) L'imparfait is a form of past tense, it is different from passé composé because imparfait is an on going state of being, something you have done multiple times in the past. Passe compose is a form of past tense but it only talks about something you did once.

2) L'Imparfait is used for habitual repeated actions, and passe compose is used for actions with definite endings. for example, if you played hockey when you were little, you would express that with imparfait. If you played hockey last weekend, you would express that with passé compose.

3) L'imparfait formed with regular verbs:
Pronoun      Ending        Parler            Finir              Étudier                Manger
                                              parl-              finiss-            étudi-                  mange-
je (j')              -ais              -parlais           -finais           -étudiais             -mangeais
tu                   -ais              -parlais           -finais           -étudiais             -mangeais
il/elle             -ait              -parlait            -finait           -étudiait             -mangeait
nous              -ions          -parlions         -finions        -étudiions         -mangeions
vous              -iez             -parliez            -finiez           -étudiiez            -mangeiez
ils/elles          -aient        -parlaient       -finaient       -étudiaient       -mangeaient

4) L'imparfait formed with  some irregular verbs:

Avoir- j'vais, tu avais, il avait, nous avons, vous avez, ils avaient
Faire- je faisais, tu faisais, il faisait, nous faisons, vous faisiez, ils faisient
Manger-  je mangeais, tu mangeais, il mangeait, nous mangeons, vous mangeiez, ils mangeient
Croire- je croyais, tu croyais, il croyait, nous croyons, vous croyiez, ils croyient
Etre- j'etais, tu etais, il etait, nous etions, vous etiez, ils entient
Aller- j'allais, tu allais, il allait, nous allions, vous alliez, ils allaient

Knowing what they are...

The accent aigu ´ (acute accent) can only be on an E. At the beginning of a word, it often indicates that an S used to follow that vowel, e.g., étudiant (student).
The accent grave ` (grave accent) can be found on an A, E, or U. On the A and U, it usually serves to distinguish between words that would otherwise be homographs
e.g., ou (or) vs (where).
The accent circonflexe ˆ (circumflex) can be on an A, E, I, O, U...The circumflex usually indicates that an S used to follow that vowel, e.g., forêt (forest). It also serves to distinguish between homographs; e.g., du
The accent tréma ¨ (dieresis or umlaut) can be on an E, I, or U. It is used when two vowels are next to each other and bot.
h must be pronounced, e.g.,
The cédille ¸ (cedilla) is found only on the letter C. It changes a hard C sound (like K) into a soft C sound (like S), e.g., garçon.
  1. Open Control Panel
  2. Double-click "Regional and Language Options"
  3. Click "Languages"
  4. Click "Details"
  5. Click "Add"
  6. Under "Input Language," pick the language you want to add*
  7. Under "Keyboard layout/IME" make your selection
  8. Click OK in each dialog window.



You can also copy and paste accents off of french accent websites like google translate or others.